Friday, December 25, 2009

Q&A: Snoop Dogg On 'Malice N Wonderland,' His Longevity In Music, Family And Much More !!

Hip-Hop entertainer Snoop Dogg is a changed man. But then, given his longevity in the Hip-Hop game, as part of a chosen selected few an evolution would be evident in Snoop's musical journey. One thing that has remained consistent, however, is the fact that as a rapper Snoop has remained a pivotal force within the music industry since his debut in 1992.

The occasion is marked this week with the release of his tenth studio album, Malice N Wonderland. It solidifies Snoop as an entertainer who has come full circle, confident in himself as a performer and as a recognized recording entertainer world-wide.

Qn:Your tenth studio release Malice N Wonderland, was released last week. What was your thought process and inspirational approach that went into recording your new release?

Snoop Dogg: Being myself. A lot of the times, I go into the studio, I don't even write about it. It's just whatever comes out of my mouth. It is what it is and expression of what has happened in my life in someway. A lot of the things I do, rap, or say, is a visual picture of what I want it to be, because it turns to life because it is what it is. The gift that we've been given, the chosen few, when we write and say it, it's weird. It gonna be what's it's gonna be. I try to take my time to make sure I have a positive light at the end of my verse.

Qn:How did you choose the title of your latest release?

Dogg: After I met Lalo Schifrin, the composer of Mission Impossible, he composed a track for me called "Malice In Wonderland" from which the title of the album is inspired.

Qn: Was there any added pressure to surpass the acclaim of all your previous releases?

Dogg: No major concerns. It's all about people, how love moves. As long as there's awareness people will support the craft reverently.

Qn: How about images presented in your past music?

Dogg: I've got a lot of records that I've done. This many songs with no bone, no initiative, just me doing me. I listen to those, some of those songs are real real good, and some of them don't fit who I am right now. I don't have an image to protect. I am who I am. In certain phases of my life those songs were practical for where I was in my life. I am at the stage of my life where I'm trying to become a full grown man, mentor, a model, and positive inspiration.
The music scene has changed tremendoulsy since your debut. For example, major music retailers have shut down. How has this affected how you promote your music, and if so, in what way?
When I make records, I like people to feel the record. I'm saying to myself what can I do differently to where I can get people to understand this is a hot record, where I came up with the idea to make a mini-movie and take five songs off my album and make them all come together to represent what the movie is about and what this record is about, to give people a visual picture of who I am.

Qn: How do you keep up with changing trends in music?

Dogg: Well, I'm thankful I've got kids first of all. I've got some hip kids. They listen to everything from Joss Stone, Miley Cyrus, Taylor Swift. So, with hip kids at home, I tend to want to stay in contact with them and find out what gets them going, then I want to figure out how I can get on their ipods, and what I have to do to stay relevant. Then I'v got my football league. I've got over 5,000 kids in my league, and they're always dancin' and rockin' out to new music, letting me know what's hip and hot.

Qn: Speaking of your football league, what impact has coaching a football league team has had in your life?

Dogg: To me when I couch these kids in football and see them go to high school and take a high school football team that wasn't winning and become winners because of the kids in my league, that were coached by me, inspired by me, that to me is bigger than any award because I'm saving lives, I'm changing lives giving hope to some kids who basically could've been another gang member, another drug dealer, becoming young men, becoming disciplined and doing the right things with their lives, making their mothers and fathers proud, breaking the chain, trying to give back I do it for the result. That means the world to know that kid has a chance to become a young man and something in life.

Qn: Is there a particular listening audience that you are aiming for when you create your music?

Dogg: I always make a little bit for everybody. I always manage to put a song on there for the fans my age, and for a little bit older, old school Snoop for them too. I know that my fans have grown with me. A lot of my fans are 40, 50, 60 years old. I had to make those toned down records to where your mother and grandmother could say "I like Snoop Dogg too."

Qn: Do you have any particular #1 rule, or, work ethic when it comes to music?

Dogg: Make songs that make sense. Got to make songs that make sense. That's like my number one rule. I really strive at that to make sure that my songs have clarity and understanding to what I'm trying to say to the people.

Qn: Who, or, what is your biggest enemy to date?

Dogg: Death, cause he's waiting on me.

Qn: Any particular views on music retirement?

Dogg: I never contemplate retirement. Musicians shouldn't retire. Look at B.B. King. I will do music till the day I die!

Qn: Are there any future work collaborations that you may be interested in?

Dogg: Anita Baker called recently, working on that. Another would be Mick Jagger, because the b****es love it.

Qn: What's the most important thing to you.

Dogg: My wife and my kids. I love my wife and my kids.

Qn: To date, what has been your most favorite place to visit of unique experience?

Dogg: Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, and Amsterdam, Holland (both of self explanatory).

Qn: What will you be doing in twenty years?

Dogg: Vegas

Qn: Anything last thing that you may want to share with future performers?

Dogg: Be classy, be willing to learn.

Snoop Dogg's latest "Malice N Wonderland"  is now available everywhere. Make sure to pick up a copy!!!!

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