Sunday, December 20, 2009

Oprah Wants Tiger Woods To Appear On Her Show

Oprah wants Tiger - to appear on her show . The producers of the Oprah Winfrey Show are hoping Woods will appear on the program to help revive his image amidst the scandalous adultery scandal.

The Telegraph has stated that Woods "has guarded his privacy with a legendary zeal not seen since the billionaire recluse Howard Hughes locked himself up in a hotel room." Several crisis management PR experts are prepared to offer the golfer some positive advice, claiming the way to public forgiveness is the three A's - "admit, apologize and advance."

But Woods is taking a different approach by completely avoiding the press, in turn fueling a media frenzy that is waiting to pounce on he and his family's every single move. Wood's stated on his website: "There is an important and deep principle at stake, the right to some simple human measure of privacy."

"Personal sins should not require press releases and problems within a family shouldn't have to mean public confessions."
Unfortunately for Tiger, there are millions of people including young children and adults, across the country who used to look up to the golfing legend. This trend that has drastically taken another turn. Oprah is hoping she can help turn that trend around.

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