Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Madonna Blamed for Dwindling Orphanage Donations

Earlier this year singer Madonna adopted daughter Mercy James from the Konsdanani orphanage in Malawi, Africa. Since then, adoption donations have dropped and the center is having issues raising funds.

Britain’s Daily Mirror newspaper is reporting that sources close to the orphanage are blaming Madonna and say that people are under the assumption that the “Material Girl” gave them thousands and thousands or dollars.

“We find it a day-to-day struggle to survive. Some days we don’t even know if there will be enough food to feed the babies. Donors are not giving because they are under the impression that Madonna paid us vast amounts of money.”

This is the second child that Madonna adopted from Malawi, the first was David Banda, who was adopted from a different agency.

It would be interesting to know how much Madonna did pay the Konsdanani orphanage. The head of the agency, Annie Chikhwaza said, “I was never offered a penny. I did not expect any either.”

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